It’s hard to imagine any business not recognizing the significance of digital marketing, but this is especially true for B2B enterprises, for which understanding effective tactics is crucial for their overall success. B2B digital marketing encompasses a wide range of strategies and techniques designed to help businesses reach, engage, and convert their target audiences in the online space.

Sometimes called “online marketing,” digital marketing is any effort a company makes to use internet-based channels and digital technologies—content marketing, email campaigns, social media posts, online advertisements (SEM, PPC, Pmax, and more), and mobile messaging, including both text and multimedia content—to showcase its products, services, and brands to prospective customers. B2B digital marketing offers a multitude of opportunities for businesses to connect with potential customers, build brand awareness, and drive growth. By leveraging the power of digital channels, B2B marketers can target their ideal customers with precision, deliver personalized experiences, and measure the impact of their efforts in real-time.

In this guide, we’ll explore the key aspects of B2B digital marketing and provide actionable insights, best practices, and proven strategies to help you make your way across the ever-shifting digital sands of modern marketing. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this guide should serve as your go-to resource for all things B2B digital marketing.

Understanding B2B vs. B2C Marketing 

B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing refers to the marketing of products or services to other businesses or organizations. In this context, the target audience consists of decision-makers within companies, such as executives, managers, or purchasing agents. These individuals are typically responsible for making purchasing decisions on behalf of their organization, often with a focus on long-term value, efficiency, and return on investment (ROI).

On the other hand, B2C (Business-to-Consumer) marketing targets individual consumers who make purchasing decisions for personal use or consumption. These decisions are often influenced by factors such as emotions, trends, and immediate needs or desires.

One of the key differences between B2B and B2C marketing lies in the sales cycle. B2B sales cycles tend to be longer and more complex, involving multiple stakeholders and requiring a more extensive decision-making process. In contrast, B2C sales cycles are generally shorter and more straightforward, with consumers making more impulse-driven or emotionally-charged purchases.

Another significant distinction is the nature of the decision-making process. In B2B marketing, decisions are often based on logic, data, and the potential for long-term business value. Buyers are looking for solutions that can improve their operations, reduce costs, or increase productivity. As a result, B2B content strategies focus on providing in-depth, informative, and educational content that demonstrates expertise and builds trust.

Conversely, B2C decision-making is usually more heavily influenced by emotions, personal preferences, and immediate gratification. Consumers are more likely to respond to content that entertains, inspires, or evokes an emotional response. B2C content strategies often revolve around storytelling, visually appealing designs, and relatable, shareable content.

Understanding these fundamental differences is crucial for developing effective B2B digital marketing strategies. By molding your approach around the unique needs, preferences, and decision-making processes of your B2B audience, you can create compelling, relevant, and impactful marketing campaigns that drive results.

Core Strategies in B2B Digital Marketing

Successful B2B digital marketing requires shaping a specific strategy that aligns with your business goals, target audience, and unique value proposition. But one thing remains true, regardless of other details: the heart of any effective B2B digital marketing strategy is building strong, lasting relationships with potential customers and consistently delivering value at every stage of the customer’s experience with your brand.

One of the foundational elements of a successful B2B digital marketing strategy is a deep understanding of your target audience. This involves conducting thorough market research to identify key decision-makers, their pain points, and the factors that influence their purchasing decisions. By gaining insights into your audience’s needs, preferences, and behavior, you can create targeted, relevant content and messaging that resonates with them and establishes your brand as a trusted resource.

Another core strategy in B2B digital marketing is to prioritize relationship-building over short-term sales. In the B2B space, purchasing decisions are often complex and involve multiple stakeholders, making it essential to nurture prospects over time and build trust through consistent, valuable interactions. This can be achieved through a combination of tactics, such as email marketing, social media engagement, and personalized content experiences that address the specific needs and challenges of your target audience.

To effectively build relationships and add value to potential customers, it’s important to focus on creating high-quality, informative content that educates, informs, and addresses the unique pain points of your B2B audience. This can include blog posts, white papers, case studies, webinars, and other formats that showcase your expertise and provide actionable insights. By consistently delivering valuable content, you can establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry and build trust with potential customers.

In addition to content creation, a comprehensive B2B digital marketing strategy could also incorporate tactics such as search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising, and account-based marketing (ABM) to reach and engage your targetaudience effectively. By leveraging a mix of channels and tactics, and continually refining your approach based on data and performance metrics, you can create a powerful, integrated B2B digital marketing strategy that drives results and supports your business goals.

High-quality, informative content—delivered in different mediums—can address the unique pain points of your B2B audience. For Archos Advisors, we created a multifaceted effort involving emails, video, landing pages, and direct mail.

The Role of Customer Experience in B2B Digital Marketing

Customer experience plays a vital role in driving success and long-term growth. While many marketers focus primarily on acquiring new customers, the true value lies in establishing and nurturing strong, positive relationships with existing clients. By prioritizing outstanding customer experiences, B2B businesses can cultivate loyalty, improve retention rates, and turn satisfied customers into powerful brand advocates.

At its core, a great customer experience is about understanding and meeting the unique needs of your B2B clients. This involves taking a holistic approach to customer interactions, from the initial marketing touchpoints to the sales process, onboarding, and ongoing support. By consistently delivering value, responsiveness, and personalized attention, you can differentiate your brand and build lasting relationships with your customers.

One of the key benefits of focusing on customer experience in B2B digital marketing is the potential for increased loyalty and retention. When customers feel valued, understood, and supported, they are more likely to continue doing business with your company. This helps to stabilize revenue streams and also provides opportunities for upselling, cross-selling, and expanding your footprint within customer organizations.

Perhaps more importantly, satisfied B2B customers can become powerful advocates for your brand, driving new business through referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations. In fact, many successful B2B companies have built their growth largely on the strength of customer referrals. By consistently delivering exceptional work and nurturing strong client relationships, your business will earn a reputation for quality and reliability, leading to a steady stream of new business opportunities.

To create outstanding customer experiences in B2B digital marketing, it’s essential to prioritize communication, responsiveness, and a deep understanding of your customers’ needs. This can involve tactics such as regular check-ins, personalized content recommendations, and proactive problem-solving. By investing in customer success initiatives and making client satisfaction a top priority, you can foster a culture of customer-centricity that permeates every aspect of your B2B digital marketing efforts.

By putting your customers at the center of your strategy and consistently delivering value and exceptional service, you can build a loyal client base, drive sustainable growth, and establish your brand as a trusted partner in your industry.

Key Areas of Focus in B2B Digital Marketing

To create a successful B2B digital marketing strategy, you must understand the various channels available and how they can be leveraged to reach and engage your target audience. Four key areas of focus in B2B digital marketing—content marketing, email marketing, social media, and search engine optimization (SEO)—can help you develop a strong presence across these channels and craft an approach that addresses the unique needs of your B2B audience. If you can do that, you can effectively drive brand awareness, generate leads, and support your overall marketing goals.

Content Marketing: A cornerstone of B2B digital marketing, this effort creates and distributes valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. In the B2B space, content marketing educates your potential customers, demonstrates your thoughtful leadership in your area of market specialization, and builds trust and credibility with your target audience. By creating high-quality, informative content such as blog posts, white papers, case studies, and pillar pages, you can attract potential customers to your website, establish your brand as a trusted resource, and nurture leads through the sales funnel. Additionally, a strong content marketing strategy can help improve your search engine rankings, drive social media engagement, and provide valuable material for email marketing campaigns. Rare Bird’s ongoing research and approach to improving organic search traffic results has yielded significant improvements for many of our clients. Smart research and sharp writing go a long way.

Email Marketing: Email marketing is another powerful tool in the B2B digital marketing arsenal, allowing you to directly reach and engage your target audience with personalized, relevant messages. In a B2B context, email marketing can be used to nurture leads, promote content, announce product updates or events, and build ongoing relationships with customers and prospects. The advantages of email marketing include its cost-effectiveness, ability to target specific segments of your audience, and potential for high ROI. By segmenting your email lists based on specific factors—such as job title and industry, for instance, or the recipient’s stage in the buyer’s journey—you can deliver highly relevant content that resonates with your audience and drives engagement. Additionally, email marketing provides measurable results, allowing you to track open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to continually refine and improve your approach.

Everybody says they hate getting email, and yet the data doesn’t lie: Email marketing is effective.

Social Media: Social media has become an increasingly important channel for B2B digital marketing, providing opportunities to connect with potential customers, share valuable content, and engage in industry conversations. In particular, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook offer unique advantages for B2B marketers, allowing you to target specific audiences, build brand awareness, and establish thought leadership in your industry. The advantages of social media for B2B marketing include its ability to cultivate relationships, bring visitors to your website, and provide valuable insights into your target audience. By regularly sharing informative content, participating in relevant discussions, and engaging with your followers, you can build a strong brand presence and establish your company as a trusted resource in your industry. Additionally, social media advertising also allows you to target specific job titles, industries, or company sizes through “boosting”—the practice of allocating advertising budget to increase the visibility and reach of a specific post or ad on social media platforms—ensuring that your message reaches the right people at the right time. By boosting a post or ad, businesses can target a wider audience beyond their existing followers, based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and location. This paid promotion ensures that the content appears more prominently in users’ feeds, increasing the likelihood of engagement, clicks, and conversions..

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This essential, but often misunderstood component of effective B2B digital marketing strategies focuses on improving a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing your site structure, content, and keywords for relevant search queries, you can attract more qualified traffic to your site and improve your chances of converting visitors into leads and customers. By ranking higher in search results for relevant keywords, you can increase your brand’s visibility, drive more organic traffic to your site, and reach potential customers who are actively searching for solutions to their problems. Additionally, a strong SEO strategy can help establish your brand as a credible and authoritative source in your industry, further building trust with your target audience.

Even Small SEO Efforts Help
Refining individual SEO elements like title tags, meta descriptions, and schema markup helps search engines understand webpage content. Comprehensive SEO strategies combine on-page and off-page factors, including building high-quality backlinks. Local SEO—optimizing Google My Business listings, generating positive reviews, and maintaining consistent NAP information across online directories—is also increasingly important. Staying updated with SEO best practices and adapting to algorithm changes is a must for maintaining a competitive edge.

Choosing the Right Mix: By understanding the advantages and best practices for each channel, you can develop a custom-fit approach that maximizes your impact and ROI. To develop a successful B2B digital marketing strategy, it’s important to choose the right mix of channels based on your specific marketing goals, target audience, and available resources. If your goal is to generate high-quality leads and demonstrate thought leadership, you may want to prioritize content marketing and SEO to attract and engage potential customers with informative, keyword-optimized content. If you’re looking to build brand awareness and deepen relationships with your target audience, social media and email marketing may be key areas of focus.

Ultimately, the most effective B2B digital marketing strategies leverage a combination of channels and tactics to create a cohesive, integrated approach that meets the unique needs of your business and target audience, but those specific channels and tactics may be different based on the particulars of the B2B enterprise. By continually testing, measuring, and refining your strategy based on performance data and insights, you can make the most of your B2B digital marketing efforts and work toward sustainable, long-term success.

Deep Dive: B2B Video Marketing

As the demand for engaging, visual content continues to grow, B2B businesses are turning to video to capture attention, build brand awareness, and drive conversions. According to HubSpot, 54% of consumers want to see more video content from brands they support. Even more surprising, perhaps, is that video is responsible for 82% of all internet traffic now. A lot of that might be streaming services such as Netflix, but the rise of video in social media is also a significant contributor. 

The growth of B2B video marketing can be attributed to several factors. First, video content is highly engaging and easy to consume, making it an effective way to communicate complex ideas and showcase products or services in action. Additionally, advances in technology have made it easier and more affordable than ever to create high-quality video content, even with limited resources or expertise.

When it comes to what types of video content work well for B2B marketing efforts, there are several options to consider. How-to videos and tutorials can be extremely effective for demonstrating product features, providing step-by-step instructions, and addressing common customer questions or pain points. Testimonial videos, featuring satisfied customers sharing their experiences and success stories, can help build trust and credibility with potential buyers. Product demos and explainer videos are also valuable for showcasing the benefits and use cases of your offerings in a clear, compelling way.

To create effective B2B video content, it’s important to follow best practices and keep your target audience in mind. Start by defining clear goals and objectives for your video marketing efforts, whether it’s driving traffic, generating leads, or increasing brand awareness. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your overall B2B digital marketing goals and target audience preferences.

When crafting your video content, focus on storytelling and providing value to your audience. Use a clear, concise script and high-quality visuals to engage viewers and communicate your message effectively. Keep videos short and to the point, as attention spans are limited, and consider adding captions or subtitles to improve accessibility and cater to viewers who may be watching without sound.

To maximize the impact of your B2B video marketing efforts, it’s essential to integrate video content into your overall digital marketing strategy. This can involve embedding videos on your website, sharing them on social media platforms, and incorporating them into email marketing campaigns or sales presentations. By using video content across multiple channels and touchpoints, you can create a cohesive, engaging experience for your target audience and drive better results for your B2B business.

Rare Bird has helped many of our clients take their first steps into video-based digital marketing. “By creating engaging, informative video content and integrating it across your website, social media, and email campaigns, you can capture attention and build stronger relationships with your target audience,” says Jon Cartagena, Rare Bird’s video specialist. “The key is to provide something of value and tell a compelling story.”

Marketing videos can be used on your website, linked from your newsletters, or shared via social media.

Measuring Success in B2B Digital Marketing

Analytics, it could be argued, is the most useful development within digital marketing. When you send a piece of direct mail through the USPS, you’ll never know how long any particular recipient spent with the postcard, or if they read it again later the next day. You may not even know if the postcard led directly to a conversion. Understanding the effectiveness of your campaigns, refining your strategies, and demonstrating ROI to key stakeholders all begins with a robust set of data generated by digital marketing efforts. 

Without clear goals and performance metrics, it’s impossible to know whether your marketing efforts are driving the desired results or if adjustments need to be made. As such, setting well-defined objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) is an essential first step in any successful B2B digital marketing initiative.

When establishing goals for your B2B marketing campaigns, it’s important to focus on those metrics that most matter to your overall business objectives. These might include increasing brand awareness, generating high-quality leads, driving website traffic, improving conversion rates, or increasing revenue. By tying your digital marketing goals directly to business outcomes, you can ensure that your efforts are contributing to the bottom line and demonstrate the value of your marketing investments.

Once you have defined your goals, the next step is to identify the KPIs that will help you measure progress and success. Some common KPIs used in B2B digital marketing include:

  • Website traffic and engagement metrics (active users, engagement rate, average session duration)
  • Lead generation and conversion metrics (form submissions, email signups, sales qualified leads)
  • Content performance metrics (blog post views, social media shares, video completion rates)
  • Email marketing metrics (open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates)
  • Sales and revenue metrics (pipeline generated, closed deals, customer lifetime value)

To track and analyze these KPIs, B2B marketers rely on a variety of analytics tools and platforms. Google Analytics is a widely used tool for measuring website traffic and user behavior, while a wide variety of marketing automation platforms provide insights into email campaign performance and lead generation. Social media management tools (such as Hootsuite or Sprout Social) offer analytics for tracking engagement and reach on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.

By putting these tools to use and regularly monitoring your KPIs, you can learn much about the performance of your B2B digital marketing campaigns. You can identify strengths and weaknesses, test different strategies, and make other data-driven decisions to improve your results over time.

It’s important to remember that measuring success in B2B digital marketing is an ongoing process. As your business goals and target audience evolve, so too should your KPIs and measurement strategies. By continually refining your approach and staying agile in the face of changing market conditions and customer needs, you can ensure that your B2B digital marketing efforts remain effective and impactful over the long term.

Trends in B2B Digital Marketing

As the world of B2B digital marketing continues to evolve at a rapid pace, staying ahead of the latest trends and technologies is essential for businesses looking to remain competitive and drive growth. From artificial intelligence and automation to account-based marketing and interactive content, there are several key trends that are shaping the future of B2B marketing. Let’s take a closer look at these trends and explore how they are likely to impact B2B marketing strategies in the coming years.

Marketing Automation: Another key trend in B2B digital marketing is the continued growth and adoption of marketing automation platforms. These tools allow businesses to streamline and automate repetitive tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and lead nurturing, freeing up time and resources for more strategic, high-impact activities. By leveraging marketing automation, B2B companies can create more efficient, effective, and scalable marketing campaigns that drive better results and ROI. Automation also enables marketers to deliver more timely, relevant, and personalized messaging to their target audiences, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): This a strategic approach to B2B marketing focuses on identifying, engaging, and converting high-value accounts or prospects. Rather than casting a wide net with broad-based marketing campaigns, ABM involves tailoring your messaging, content, and tactics to the specific needs and interests of individual accounts or decision-makers. By aligning your marketing and sales efforts around a focused set of target accounts, ABM can help B2B companies build stronger, more meaningful relationships with their most valuable customers and prospects. This approach often involves a combination of personalized content, targeted advertising, direct outreach, and other tactics designed to engage and convert specific accounts.

Interactive Content and Tools: Finally, another trend that is gaining traction in B2B digital marketing is the use of interactive content and tools. From quizzes and assessments to calculators and configurators, interactive content offers a more engaging, immersive, and valuable experience for B2B buyers. By providing interactive tools and resources that help customers solve problems, make decisions, or explore solutions on their own terms, B2B companies can differentiate themselves from competitors, build trust and credibility, and drive higher levels of engagement and conversion.

Digital Marketing Case Studies

Belvoir Media Group: Performance Max Success for Harvard Health Publishing

Background, Objectives, and Reasoning: Not long after Google introduced the Performance Max (PMax) campaign, we began researching their effectiveness. Performance Max helps advertisers maximize their advertising performance across various Google platforms and ad formats within a single campaign. 

Advertisers provide headlines, descriptions, images, and videos, and Google’s machine learning algorithms create and serve relevant ad combinations to target audiences, optimizing delivery to achieve specific goals. PMax includes various ad formats across Google’s Networks—Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail, Maps, and Discovery. PMax simplifies the process of managing and optimizing advertising efforts, saving time and resources for advertisers, and it is particularly effective for advertisers with historical conversion data, as the machine learning algorithms can leverage this data to optimize ad delivery and improve campaign performance.

We pitched the idea to our client, Belvoir Media Group, as a way to further expand the lead-gen campaigns for its partner, Harvard Health Publishing.

Here’s why:

  • PMax campaigns tend to be most effective when the account has a significant amount of historical conversion data, which Harvard Health Publishing has in abundance.
  • Research showed that PMax campaigns perform best when they run alongside search campaigns focused on the same topic, which Harvard Health Publishing does.
  • The Cholesterol Search campaign was already one of Harvard Health Publishing’s top-performing campaigns, making it an ideal candidate for testing a PMax campaign on the same topic.

Campaign Setup: Performance Max campaigns are unique in their use of a wide range of asset types, allowing ads to be displayed to the right person, in the right place, at the right time, across various Google platforms such as Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail, Maps, and Discovery. To leverage this feature, we created video assets to be used within the campaign, a new approach for Harvard Health Publishing, which had previously only used search and display ads. We created three versions of the video ads, each with a different tone/voice to target personas of the three potential audiences: Expert, Informative, and Concern.

Date and Results: Since its launch in October 2022, the Cholesterol PMax Campaign demonstrated impressive performance in the initial 18-month period. The campaign has generated significant user engagement and conversions, as evidenced by the following key metrics:

Cholesterol PMax Campaign: (10/1/2022 – 4/9/2024)

Performance Comparison: When comparing the Q1 2024 performance of PMax Campaigns with Non-Performance Max Campaigns (such as search and display ads), we observed several notable improvements. The average cost per conversion decreased by a substantial 56%, while the average Cost Per Click saw an even more significant reduction of 78%. Additionally, the Click-Through Rate (CTR) increased by 236%, indicating a higher level of engagement and relevance for the PMax campaigns.

Conclusion: The introduction of Performance Max campaigns has proven to be a highly effective strategy for Belvoir Media Group in its work for Harvard Health Publishing. By leveraging historical conversion data, running PMax campaigns alongside search campaigns on the same topic, and creating engaging video assets with varying tones, we have achieved significant improvements in key performance metrics. The decreased cost per conversion and cost per click, coupled with the increased click-through rate, demonstrates the power of PMax campaigns in reaching the right audiences and driving conversions. As a result, we recommend continuing to invest in and optimize PMax campaigns to further enhance Harvard Health Publishing’s digital advertising performance.

Harvard Healthbeat’s Welcome Series: A Data-Driven Adjustment

In early 2023, on behalf of Belvoir Media Group, we initiated a review of the Harvard Healthbeat Welcome Series email campaign to identify performance trends and recommend strategies for improving engagement. The Healthbeat Welcome Series is sent to users who subscribe to the Healthbeat newsletter through various methods on the Harvard Health website and other digital advertising efforts. The series consists of five different campaigns: a “Control” campaign sent to all subscribers, plus four additional campaigns focused on specific health areas (Balance, Arthritis, Prostate Health, and Inflammation), which is determined by the page or form on which the user signs up.

During the review of the previous quarter’s Welcome Series campaign data, we discovered the third and fourth emails in the series—which contained content related to the user’s initial interest (e.g., arthritis articles for users who signed up from an arthritis ad)—were generating significantly higher click rates. This insight led to restructuring the Welcome Series emails to better align with the topics that originally engaged the subscribers.

The Control email campaign was the first to be revamped, as it had the largest subscriber volume among the lists. Despite having no original topic focus, we decided to incorporate some of the most visited and engaged-with content from the Harvard Health website over the previous few months. The number of emails in the Control campaign was also increased (from three emails to five) to accommodate this additional “high-traffic” content.

The updates to the Control campaign yielded immediate improvements in engagement and purchases. The new campaign’s first three months outperformed the same period from last year by a wide margin.:

  • Users clicking to the site increased by 1,167% (from 1,152 to 14,596)
  • Site sessions increased by 1,094% (from 1,513 to 18,079)
  • Transactions from Control traffic increased by 2,172%
  • Revenue from Control traffic increased by 2,022%

The success of the Control campaign redesign demonstrates the importance of tailoring email content to the interests and preferences of subscribers. By analyzing user behavior and engagement data, we were able to identify key opportunities for improvement and implement a strategy that significantly boosted clicks, site sessions, transactions, and revenue. Even the character count used in subject lines was revised based on large-scale data sets and studies. This case study highlights the potential for data-driven optimization to enhance the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns and drive meaningful business results.

Harrison Steel: Improving Organic Search Visibility and Traffic

Initial Strategy: In 2021, Harrison Steel Castings (HSC) discovered that their website ranked just outside the top 10 search results for two highly relevant keywords in their industry: “Steel Foundry” (700 monthly searches, keyword difficulty of 9) and “Steel Casting” (600 monthly searches, keyword difficulty of 41). More than half of all Google search traffic clicks on one of the top three results, and we identified an opportunity to create content focused on these keywords to improve HSC’s rankings and capture a portion of the available monthly searches.

To develop a strategy, Rare Bird researched the top-5 competing pages ranking for these keywords. We discovered that several of these pages were informational, explaining what a steel foundry is or what steel casting entails, and described the processes involved in the industry. Many of these top-ranking pages were outdated in terms of design and content quality, presenting an opportunity for HSC to outrank them if Rare Bird created superior and even more informative content than those competitors’ pages.

Using keyword research tools, Rare Bird identified the most commonly asked questions related to each topic and used these insights to build an outline for the new content. In early 2023, two new pages were written and published on the Harrison Steel website:

What Is Steel Casting?”

What Is a Steel Foundry?”

Results and Data: In general, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for long-form content and pillar pages to start ranking, depending on the factors mentioned above. For highly competitive keywords, it may take longer. For a long-form, SEO-driven strategy to be successful, It’s important to focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that addresses user needs and follows SEO best practices. But it’s also important to be patient.

However, the new pages for Harrison Steel began to rank much faster than expected, both for the target keywords and a wide range of related keywords. The “Steel Foundry” page ranked 5th for “steel foundry” within 2 months of going live and moved up to the number 1 position by the third month. By the 12-month mark, the HSC website ranked 1st for “Steel foundry,” “Foundry steel,” “Steel foundries,” “What is a steel foundry,” and “Steel casting foundry.”

According to Google Search Console data comparing the period from January 15, 2024, to April 15, 2024, with the same period in the previous year:

  • Search Impressions: 160% increase (from 53,700 to 140,000)
  • Search Clicks: 25.6% increase (from 1,560 to 1,960)

The “Steel Casting” page took slightly longer to rank due to its higher keyword difficulty (41). After 12 months, the page ranked 3rd for “steel casting.” Interestingly, while the primary keyword took months to move into the target range, many other relevant keywords increased in rank and began driving relevant organic traffic to the site in the months leading up to the primary keyword’s ranking improvement. Harrison Steel’s home page moved into the top 3 for phrases like “steel casting company” and “steel casting manufacturer,” moving from the bottom to the top of the search results page. This is the long-term potential for pillar pages: to bring in traffic directly while increasing a site’s overall authority in the eyes of Google.

Conclusion: By identifying relevant, high-traffic keywords and creating high-quality, informative content tailored to those keywords, Harrison Steel Castings was able to significantly improve their organic search visibility and traffic. This case study highlights the importance of keyword research, competitive analysis, and content optimization in driving measurable results for industrial manufacturers in the digital space.

Final Thoughts

Effective B2B digital marketing requires a strategic, multi-faceted approach that leverages a variety of channels and tactics to reach and engage target audiences.

From content marketing and email campaigns to social media and video marketing, each channel offers unique advantages and opportunities for B2B businesses to build brand awareness, generate leads, and drive conversions. By understanding the strengths and best practices of each channel, and developing a tailored strategy that aligns with your specific goals and audience needs, you can create a powerful, integrated digital marketing presence that sets your business apart and drives long-term success.

As you assess your current B2B digital marketing efforts, consider how you can incorporate the strategies and tactics discussed in this article to enhance your approach. Whether it’s investing in high-quality video content, optimizing your website for search engines, or leveraging data and analytics to measure and optimize your performance, there are always opportunities to refine and improve your digital marketing strategies.

Ultimately, the key to success in B2B digital marketing is to remain agile, adaptable, and committed to delivering value to your target audience. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, continually testing and refining your approach, and focusing on building strong, lasting relationships with your customers, you can position your B2B business for long-term growth and success in the digital age.

Take Your B2B Marketing to the Next Level

We specialize in helping B2B companies like yours develop and execute powerful, integrated digital marketing campaigns that generate leads, build brand awareness, and fuel long-term growth. Our team of experienced B2B marketing experts is here to guide you every step of the way, from crafting compelling content and optimizing your website for search engines to leveraging the power of video marketing and measuring your success with advanced analytics and reporting.

Ready for the Next Step?