When I open my email inbox on an average day, I see a wide variety of messages. Like many of you, I sort through a lot of emails from companies offering me the latest and greatest deals on the Internet. As email designers and marketers, many of us at Rare Bird can’t fight the urge to critique messages making their way into our inboxes. In fact, we keep an eye out for emails that make for interesting conversation around the office.
Tag: Marketing
I’ve been debating writing this post, but in the spirit of Sir Richard Branson‘s approach (“screw it, let’s do it”) I’ve decided to go ahead. We’ve been working on a few sites for institutions of higher learning and, in the process of researching the competition, happened upon the site for Elon University. I really like […]
Dan forwarded me an article today that ranks right up near the top of my “Things to read that are relevant” list. Titled “What If Giving Up Your Brand Really Means Giving Up?” this Advertising Age article from Jonathan Salem Baskin asks some very pointed questions and draws some mildly controversial conclusions. (At least, I’m […]
I often say that true authenticity– being exactly who you really are and nothing else– is one of the most important things you can do to help be successful in whatever you’re doing. When I saw this article from Business in Blue Jeans CEO Susan Baroncini-Moe talking about some of the issues people struggle with […]
“Cutting your marketing budget to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” Charlie Williams As my old boss used to say, “cutting your marketing budget to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” It seems to be common knowledge among both business owners and marketers that a recession is […]
“I now get as much satisfaction from the challenges of keeping my restaurant fresh and exciting as I did from cooking. It is now more than twice as busy as it was and growing at 20% a year–teeming daily with regulars and newcomers.” Jonathan Rapp There are enough gems in this short two-page article to […]
We often field questions and have conversations around justifying the investment in good design. Traditionally, it’s been very difficult to quantify the ROI of design. In some ways, the internet is helping to change that. We’ve recently had the opportunity to accurately measure the impact of design for DRG, one of our clients in the […]
Seriously guys, keep those lawyers out of here! Just tell them somebody in accounting is using the wrong Pantone color in the logo again. Matt Dickman File this under the same business category as “New Coke” only bigger, dumber, but (possibly) less expensive, though the true cost is to be determined. You probably didn’t know, […]
Let’s see… we talked about about design, site architecture, implementation strategy, marketing strategy… We walked out of a client meeting the other day when Michael, one of our recently-acquired programmers asked me, “So, was that fairly typical of how these meetings go?” I ran through a mental checklist… let’s see, we talked about design, site […]