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Before you ask yourself “What? Queen?” let me explain. Normally you’d hear the phrase “Content is king,” but this particular piece is being written by a female. A female working in a predominantly male tech industry. So for at least today, ladies and gents, we are taking a page from the Brits: the queen rules. […]

A friend called recently and asked, “What’s the purpose of a web site?” He was in a conundrum. Faced with updating (and hopefully upgrading) his company’s site, he was overwhelmed with suggestions, requests, possibilities and options. He was frustrated, irritated and exasperated. His question, in this context, was intended to elicit a response that he […]

The announcement from Apple CEO Steve Jobs that he’ll be stepping down from his post is not altogether unexpected, but it does mark the end of an era. Jobs returned to the company he started in the late 1990s when it was in big trouble. The strategic direction was wayward, the products were suffering from […]