Of all the values we hold most dear, trust may be the one that tops the list, as it is not lightly given. We all have people in our lives to whom we’ve given trust: a good friend, your favorite babysitter, the family doctor (to name a few). We trust them for good reasons, as they have consistently proven themselves to be worthy. They have our best interests in mind, they honor our confidentiality, and they improve the overall quality of our lives by being who they are.
This scenario perfectly epitomizes the relationship between Premier Supplies and thousands of their fans, friends, customers. They are the white-hatted good guys who take their products into the field, test them, and then tell you exactly how they perform. If they find a problem, they fix it. If they find a better way to use a product, they share it. For more than 40 years, Premier has been serving customers the only way they know how: by earning – and keeping – their trust.

“At Premier, we live every day by the tenet that we won’t sell you what you don’t need and if we don’t meet your needs, we want to hear about it… so we can fix it. That’s what has made Rare Bird the perfect partner for us, because they live by the same guiding principle. When they give us advice, we know it’s always in our best interests. We don’t know any other way to do business, and neither do they.”

Our relationship with them is exactly the same. From the day we first started working together back in 1999, we rolled up our sleeves, sat down together, and began helping them solve tough business challenges. Back then, the internet was still an emerging medium, and the amount of disinformation was staggering. We helped them better understand how to use the technology to improve their business processes, extend their reach, communicate more effectively and efficiently. Ultimately, these processes allowed Premier to do more for more people, helping them continue to earn the trust of those that mattered most: their customers. Along the way, we’ve managed to achieve that trust thing with Premier as well. Funny how that works.