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Helping businesses turn over a new leaf.

Leaf Software Solutions

Leaf Software Solutions


More than ever, hour after hour, businesses are obsessed with productivity and efficiency. But what business can set aside time to boost efficiency while they’re so busy being productive? Forget not seeing the forest; it can be hard to see all of the trees when you’re obsessed with day-to-day production. Enter Leaf Software Solutions.

They empower businesses to achieve their goals and solve problems while reducing costs. When they asked us to design and build their new website, we recognized a shared passion for helping other businesses meet their potential. Like us, Leaf knows that the lasting power of human connection and understanding outperforms technical wizardry every time.

“We counted on Rare Bird to help us construct a website that represents the respected and valuable brand Leaf has built over the past 35+ years. Their excellent team not only provided design and writing expertise, but also thoughtful organizational skills to modernize the way our business is presented online. Our interaction with Rare Bird not only resulted in a website that looks good, but also provided a stable, secure, and professional content management system which gives us piece of mind.”


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Tailored solutions that fit like a glove.

The unique experience Leaf Software Solutions offers each client is based on the simplest element of human interaction. They listen—really listen—to each customer in the discovery session. Then, like a tailor adjusting garments for a new suit, they construct, alter, repair, or modify strategic applications based on the specifications, needs, and preferences of each business they help. They always find the right fit. Their innovative software consulting has delivered mission critical business solutions for over 30 years.

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