Sure, you may be younger, better looking, and able to run faster, but there is growing evidence that us old fogies can outthink you. (No doubt these new studies were conducted by, analyzed by, and reported on by someone in the over forty crowd who stands to gain– or at least feel a little better […]
Since 1998, we have been reflecting on marketing, design, code, and much more.
Seven ways to reinvent yourself from Seth Godin
Admittedly, I’m a fan of Seth Godin. Of course, most marketers are. The interesting thing about Seth and the dozen or so books he’s written is that each and every one follows a similar style: Identify the paradigm Demonstrate why and how it’s broken Present an alternative Challenge you to either accept or reject his […]
Four Key Leadership Tips from Gordon Bethune
New York Times writer Adam Bryant recently had a conversation with Gordon Bethune, the CEO of Continental Airlines from 1994 to 2004. In it, Bethune shares some insights on leadership and management, including some real gems. Among them: Treat people, no matter their role in the company, with respect Always share the stage Hire the […]
What matters now?
I came across this little ebook today and thought I’d do my part to pass it along. Here’s a brief introduction from Seth Godin: “Here are more than seventy big thinkers, each sharing an idea for you to think about as we head into the new year. From bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert to brilliant tech […]
Rare Bird Wins Five Awards in Int’l Competition
Indianapolis-based Rare Bird, Inc. has been honored with five 2009 WebAwards by the Web Marketing Association. The WebAwards are the premier Internet award competition that judge web site development against peer sites within a given industry and an ever-increasing standard of excellence. With thousands of entries from more than 47 countries, the WebAwards set the […]
One simple key to improving (nearly) everything
Harvey Mackay, owner of Mackay Envelope, is widely known for his books and speaking engagements on sales. In his weekly column, he recalls the Broadway musical “My Fair Lady” to make a point: In the Broadway musical “My Fair Lady,” Professor Higgins has driven his prodigy Eliza Doolittle to exhaustion teaching her how to speak […]
Four keys to great public speaking
Nick Morgan, founder of Public Words, Inc., is a former Fellow of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and one of America’s top communication and speech coaches. He’s penned a new manifesto with for keys for turning any public speaking engagement into an opportunity to change the world. (After all, isn’t that the point?) Morgan thinks […]
How David beats Goliath (more often than you think)
Underdogs win a lot more often than you think. Malcolm Gladwell explains how. We’re all familiar with the story of David and Goliath, where David stood before the giant of the Philistines and survived to tell about it. For forty days, Goliath had been dispensing soldiers with relative ease, until David came along. David rose […]
Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar
It’s been an interesting week. I had the opportunity to have a heart to heart with a friend and longtime client yesterday who asked for a little more… A little more attention, a little more time, a little more responsiveness. Our conversation reminded me how difficult it can be to manage growth and expectations at […]
Focus on the message to survive the recession
“Cutting your marketing budget to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” Charlie Williams As my old boss used to say, “cutting your marketing budget to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” It seems to be common knowledge among both business owners and marketers that a recession is […]
The Big Picture Puts Life in Focus
I’ve often thought that words could be just as powerful as pictures, especially when used by someone with effective linguistic skills. But honestly, occasionally it just isn’t true…Sometimes, only a picture will do. This rang true for me recently when I found myself gazing at a photo blog (essentially, a periodic posting of photos with […]
Succeed in business: get the equation right
“I now get as much satisfaction from the challenges of keeping my restaurant fresh and exciting as I did from cooking. It is now more than twice as busy as it was and growing at 20% a year–teeming daily with regulars and newcomers.” Jonathan Rapp There are enough gems in this short two-page article to […]