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Final Four Venues Where You’re Nearly Guaranteed to Find Rare Birds

Fan Fest Housed in the Convention Center, this four-day event promises to be fun for the whole family. Check the schedule to see when you’ll find Brad on the trampoline dunk court. (Not really.) On the Ferris Wheel Have you seen this thing? It’s monstrous. And free to ride (thank you, Capital One!) though I […]

The world of home projects just got turned upside down.

Here at RB HQ, we have been excited for weeks now as we worked to launch this latest website, which we think is going to revolutionize the way home projects get done. We think you’re about to agree. Name Your Price Home Services works like this. Homeowners like you select from over 20 service categories […]

Indiana State University makes the NCAA tourney! Wait, what?

Edited (2024): The blog post below is old. Like…really, really old. Nearly 10 years old, in fact, which is forever in terms of content online. In the first few months of each year, though, we see a spike in traffic to this page because Indiana State basketball fans (and alumni) get excited when there’s a […]

It’s a bald world after all.

“It’s just hair.” Remember when you were a kid, and you got a bad haircut? Probably some time in junior high when things like this started to really matter. You cried all the way home until your mom or dad likely said to you, “It’s just hair. It’ll grow back.” Tragically, there are kids out […]

Phillipe Petit’s secret for accomplishing great things

In 1974, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center complex stood as the highest buildings in the world. On the morning of August 7, Phillipe Petit, a 24-year-old Frenchman, stepped off the edge of the south tower to walk the wire he had rigged between them. This was not an official stunt. In fact, […]

Keep All the Air in Your Balls . . . and Other Super Bowl Marketing Lessons

So, the Super Bowl was last Sunday. (Spoiler alert: the Colts did not win.) This year’s game was perhaps more chat-worthy than many a Super Bowl of yore — Deflategate, Marshawn Lynch’s “I’m only here so I don’t get fined,” Tom Brady’s runny nose on press day, Bill Belichick’s questionable wardrobe choices and that unfortunate, […]

Secrets of Website Design and Development Revealed!

Two of our team members linked up to step slightly outside their normal comfort zone and pen their insights and trade secrets of website design and web development — specifically about our new website. Ashley Nixon (designer) and Kyle Bavender (developer) played significant roles in the vision and functionality of our site. Here’s a peek […]

Dear Diary: Today We Made a Website

On December 18, after having had the same website for eight years (during which time we made dozens and dozens of sites for clients), we finally launched our new Rare Bird site! In case you ever wanted to know what the process of making and launching a website is like, we kept a journal. Welcome […]

The cobbler’s children are shod.

Some said it couldn’t be done and, for a time, it was easy to believe it to be true. But a strange thing happened on the way to launching our new site: Ben casually remarked, “Well, it will need to be up before the holiday to get a Christmas bonus.” Wallah! [sic] The cobbler, it […]

Content Is Queen

Before you ask yourself “What? Queen?” let me explain. Normally you’d hear the phrase “Content is king,” but this particular piece is being written by a female. A female working in a predominantly male tech industry. So for at least today, ladies and gents, we are taking a page from the Brits: the queen rules. […]

It’s like asking “What is the meaning of life?” Only harder to answer…

A friend called recently and asked, “What’s the purpose of a web site?” He was in a conundrum. Faced with updating (and hopefully upgrading) his company’s site, he was overwhelmed with suggestions, requests, possibilities and options. He was frustrated, irritated and exasperated. His question, in this context, was intended to elicit a response that he […]

What device are you using to read your email?

Here’s a statistic for you: More than half of the people reading email right now are doing so on a smartphone. (Source: Litmus) Here’s another one: 68% of Gmail and Yahoo emails are opened on mobile devices. (Source: Litmus) And finally: Both of those numbers are probably woefully underestimated since they are from 2013. (Source: […]