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Two Birds in the Big Apple

Two of our designers—Ashley Nixon and Troy Chandler—share their take on the Smashing Conference in NYC.

Getting It Right

“An English professor working here? That’s my worst nightmare.”

The deep work cave

In Pursuit of Deep Work

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I would spend the workday at my desk, tucked inside Rare Bird HQ in the Indiana Design Center. I was even one of the few that snagged an office with a sliding wood door, removed from the central bustle and buzz of the open floor, […]

The first half of 2020 cracked our illusions

3 Illusions Taking an Axe Hit This Year

We’re saying it: the first half of 2020 has been an exhausting roller coaster. Our country—our world—has been shaken up on multiple fronts these last several months. It’s fair to say we’re living in some crisis moments. Like us, you probably think of the term crisis with negative connotations. But if you go all Greek […]

Small Moments

Like many of you, we’ve found ourselves away from the normal routines and rhythms of our workday. Life has shifted dramatically, and there’s no denying we’re in the midst of an incredibly challenging moment in history.  And yet.  We’re doing it. We’re adapting to the changes with the openness, empathy, and positivity we’ve believed in […]

Life Lessons from Mr. Luck

Once upon a time in Indianapolis, everyone’s phones exploded with breaking news alerts and confused texts from friends, family, and fellow Colts fans. Andrew Luck was retiring from the NFL two weeks before the start of the regular season. And no, it wasn’t a joke or a rumor. There he was on TV moments later, […]

Rare Bird Beliefs

In the event you were not fully aware, culture is important. But as much as someone might try to convince you, your culture isn’t defined by ping pong tables, beer Friday, or cool swag. While those things can be fun and may help set a certain tone, your culture is more accurately a reflection of […]