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Everyone is resolving to be better in the new year. Twitter is no exception.In the midst of laying off a large percentage of their staff (who ever said change was easy?), Twitter is pivoting to help make the service more relatable for new users and more useful for everyone. Two new features highlight this resolution: […]

As much as I dislike words like ‘takeaway’, it seems the easiest way to describe something worth, uh… taking away from the event. So here, in no particular order (and without implying any synergistic connection or claims of empowerment), are the primary things I learned in Indianapolis this week. I learned, from a company much […]

I read this quote today from Jeffrey Zeldman, a well-known web designer and blogger, talking about the difference between being a loud-mouthed self-promoter and sharing valued information about work; either yours or others: “There is a difference between being arrogant about yourself as a person and being confident that your work has some value. The […]